How To Make Different Different Foods At Home Very Easy Ways In 2020.
Hello, I’m Mia. Welcome to Oxford Online English! In this lesson, you can learn about how totalk about and describe different kinds of food in English.
What kind of food do you like or dislike? Do you like cooking, trying new recipes, oreating out? In this lesson, you can learn how to describefood in detail in English.
You’ll see how to talk about food you likeor dislike using clear, natural English. Ready? Let’s start! Part 1: Where are we going for dinner? Imagine you’re with your friends. You’re all hungry and want to go to a restaurant,but you don’t know which one to pick.
You’re all very different and have differentideas on what you want to eat. You might say: "Where should we go? There’s a French restaurant on the squareif you want a slap-up dinner.
That’s quite expensive, though. We could go to that new Asian buffet place.
They do Chinese-Vietnamese-Thai fusion; it’spretty good.
They’ll definitely have veggie options,too, in case you don’t feel like meat.
Or, we could just go casual and get some fastfood or street food, and find somewhere to eat outside.
Are you in the mood for something expensive? Then you would want a slap-up dinner. A slap-up dinner is an expensive, formal meal.
Maybe one of your friends wants somethinga bit different, something more adventurous.
You could suggest a fusion restaurant. Fusion is a mix of different foods from differentcultures or countries.
A buffet is always a good restaurant to goto with friends.
You serve your own food and choose whateverdishes you want. Most buffets are all-you-can-eat, which canbe good value for money! Perhaps one of your friends is a vegetarianand wants to make sure there is something suitable on the menu.
You would need to find a place that has veggieoptions, too.
Veggie means it’s okay for vegetarians toeat. The cheapest and fastest options are streetfood and fast food.
Street food is food you can buy from a stallor a kiosk on the street, and it’s usually cooked in front of you. Fast food is usually fried, fatty foods thatyou can buy in cheaper restaurants, for example, burgers, chips, kebabs, fried chicken, andso on. Part 2: Describing Tastes and Textures Okay, now you’re in the restaurant. Your food arrives, and your friend asks, "How’s your food?" What can you say to your friend? Think about the last time you went to a restaurant.
How would you describe what you ate? Let’s look at how you can describe tastes. You might say something like: "This curry’s very spicy!" "The sauce is quite sour. Maybe they put vinegar in?" "I don’t like the vegetables. They taste bitter." "I like the soup; it’s salty!" "The chicken has a kind of sweet flavour." Spicy—you can also say hot—describes foodwith a lot of chili, which makes your mouth burn. For sour, think of the taste of lemon.
It’s strong and acidic. Some other kinds of fruit are sour: for example,lime and grapefruit also have a sour taste. Bitter is the taste of black coffee, or darkchocolate.
Bitter tastes are often unpleasant. Salty and sweet can be used to describe foodwhich contain salt or sugar respectively.
Salty is usually used if food contains a lotof salt, so that you really notice the salt in the food.
Sweet can be used for almost any food withsugar, like ice-cream, cake, chocolate and so on.
Okay, now that we’ve looked at how to describetastes, what about textures? Texture is an important part of food. Texture means how the food feels inside yourmouth.
For example, if you’re eating a packet ofcrisps, you want them to be crunchy and crispy.
Both of these adjectives means that somethinghas a hard texture when you bite into it.
Crunchy and crispy foods are often noisy toeat! These are all crunchy and crispy foods.
Food which is undercooked or dry can be chewy—youneed to chew it for a long time before you can swallow it. For example: "This pasta hasn’t finished cooking, it’stoo chewy." "The fish was really chewy—they must havecooked it for too long." For meat, you might use the word tough instead. Meat which is old or overcooked is often tough—it’sdifficult to cut and chew. For example: "This burger was left on the barbecue toolong and now it’s tough." Of course, when you’re eating somethinglike ice cream, you don’t want it to be hard to eat. If it has a really nice texture and it’svery easy to eat, you can say it melts in your mouth. This is a positive expression to describesoft textures. You can use it for any fatty foods, includingdesserts, meat or fish. For example: "These chocolate truffles just melt in mymouth." "The chicken was cooked so perfectly it almostmelted in my mouth." Part 3: Positive Vocabulary and Expressions We’ve looked at how to describe your food. Now, imagine that you like your food verymuch, and you want to tell your friends how good your food is.
Of course, you can say that your food is delicious,but you should really have more words and phrases you can use.
Imagine this is your dessert that’s justarrived at the table. It looks good right? You could say: "It’s really yummy!" "That looks mouth-watering." "Mmm, scrumptious!" These mean it tastes good. Be careful using yummy as it sounds a littlechildish. Of course, you can use it, but be aware thatit has this association.
Other adjectives you can use that are moreadvanced are mouth-watering and scrumptious.
Both of these adjectives means that the desserttastes really good. You can use these adjectives for any food,not just desserts.
Now imagine one of your friends has ordereda chocolate cake for dessert.
You could tell them: "That chocolate cake is very rich." "Your cake looks really decadent." If you order something that’s very luxuriousor is made very well, you use the adjectives decadent or rich.
We usually use these adjectives for desserts,usually those made with lots of heavy ingredients like butter or cream.
If you’re talking about something savoury,for example, a burger, when it’s cooked well, you could say it’s tender or juicy. Tender is used to describe meat which is softand easy to chew.
Juicy is also used for meat which is cookedwell. If you overcook meat, it can get dry and tough. Well-cooked meat should be juicy, which meansit still has plenty of liquid inside.
For example: "This pork’s amazing; it’s really tender." "A good steak should be juicy when you cutinto it." That’s for meat, but what about vegetables? Salads or raw vegetables could be crisp orfresh. This means that the vegetables have a goodtexture and have not been sitting around for a long time.
For example: "I can tell my salad is really fresh fromhow crisp the lettuce is." Let’s review these words and phrases: You can use yummy, mouth-watering and scrumptiousto mean that something tastes very good.
Tasty, heavy desserts, especially those madewith lots of butter or cream, could be decadent or rich. Meat which is cooked well should be tenderand juicy.
If you’re talking about salad, you wouldwant it to be fresh and crisp. Otherwise, you can of course use general wordslike delicious, tasty or great to describe food which you like. Part 4: Negative Words and Expressions Now, I want you to imagine a different situation. Pretend you went to a different restaurant. This restaurant is not as good.
The food is terrible! So how do you describe something that tastesbad? You could use general negative adjectiveslike disgusting or revolting. You could also say that something turns yourstomach.
These words have a strong meaning; you usethem when something tastes extremely bad, or looks so bad that you can’t possiblyput it near your mouth. Imagine one of your friends has ordered adessert. Have a look at this picture.
You could say: "That dessert looks disgusting." Or:"I wouldn’t eat that, I’m sure it’d be revolting." Or:"Just looking at that turns my stomach.
But be careful using these words and expressionsas they could be offensive, especially if you’re talking about someone’s cooking!
Another friend orders a curry, but they aren’thappy with it. They say: "This curry isn’t spicy, it’s bland andcompletely tasteless.
Bland and tasteless have similar meanings. They mean that the food doesn’t have anyflavour. It’s not disgusting; it just doesn’t tasteof anything.
Two of your friends have ordered pizza, chipsand a steak. When it arrives at the table they discoverit’s been cooked badly.
They tell the waiter: "I can’t eat this pizza, it’s burnt." "You’ve overdone this steak. It’s like an old shoe!" "My chips are undercooked.
They’re still cold in the middle.
" If it’s the cooking that’s the problemwith the food, we use the adjectives burnt or overdone to describe food that’s beencooked for too long.
If the food hasn’t been cooked for longenough, we would say it’s undercooked.
If your food has been cooked with too muchoil or fat, you could describe it as oily, greasy or fatty.
Let’s review: The phrase turns my stomach means that somethinglooks and/or tastes really bad.
You can also use the adjectives revoltingand disgusting. If you’re describing food that’s veryplain and has no flavour, you can use the adjectives bland or tasteless.
If you’re describing food that’s beencooked too long, we say it’s burnt or overdone.
The opposite is undercooked. Food with too much oil can be fatty, oilyor greasy.
Now we’ve reached the end of our restaurantadventure, I hope you have a good idea about how to describe food with interesting wordsand expressions.
Thanks very much for watching! I hope that you have found it useful. You can see more of our free lessons on ourwebsite: See you next time.
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